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Did you know that smoke flavourings will probably be prohibited in the future?

The Commission is expected to propose not to renew the approval of the 10 smoke flavours, listed on the EU list of approved smoke flavourings in Regulation (EU) 1321/2013. Smoke flavourings are ingredients added to food to provide a smoky flavour.

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Registration is now open for the fall's labeling training courses

Welcome to sign up for our labeling training courses; basic education, nutrition and health claims or labeling of alcoholic beverages.

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We are exhibiting at the Food Production & FoodTech on May 29-30, 2024, at Kistamässan in Stockholm

We are exhibiting at the Food Production & FoodTech on May 29-30, 2024, at Kistamässan in Stockholm.

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Deep dive into Anna at Herax

Anna is a food agronomist with a PhD in dairy science. Anna also has extensive experience from governmental work at the National Food Agency where she advised on matters related to the implementation of food legislation.

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European Union instead of European Community in the identification mark

In the identification mark on food of animal origin, the abbreviation of the European Community must be changed to the abbreviation of the European Union. But the transition period is long.

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Deep dive into Stine at Herax

Stine holds a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and health and a master’s degree in gastronomy and health. She has many years’ experiences in food labelling.

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Deep dive into Anneli at Herax

Anneli is a nutritionist, specialising in food safety. Focus area is labeling & regulations within food and feed.

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Deep dive into Mårten at Herax

Mårten is a chemical engineer with a master's degree in macromolecular materials and has previously worked as a development chemist in the paint industry.

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Deep dive into Valeria at Herax

Valeria is a nutritionist who has knowledge about nutrition from a molecular level to a public health perspective.

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Indication of origin for dried fruits and nuts

As of January 1, 2025, it will be mandatory with an origin indication for a variety of dried fruits, berries and certain nuts (even without shells).

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Legal monitoring of food legislation

Our legal monitoring service helps you stay up to date on what is new in the food legislation area. With our experts, you can feel safe getting the latest updates regarding legal requirements and standards that affect your business.

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Deep dive into Matilda at Herax

Matilda is educated in textiles and environmental science. She has experience in CLP, REACH, and the Detergents Regulation.

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Kosttillskott tabletter i burk


New additive approved for use in food supplements

A new additive, E 345 (i), has been approved for use in food supplements in a solid form.

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Control Campaign on Health Claims of Food Supplements

From March to June 2024, the Danish Food Administration is conducting a control campaign on health claims of dietary supplements.

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EU Proposes Changes to Breakfast Directives

De så kallade frukostdirektiven innehåller bland annat bestämmelser om vad som får kallas sylt, marmelad, gelé, fruktjuice, nektar, honung och mjölkpulver. Det finns totalt sju frukostdirektiv och EU-kommissionen har föreslagit ändringar i fyra av dem.

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Additive stearyl tartrate (E 483) is being removed from the additives list

"EU Commission removes stearyl tartrate (E 483) from the additives list following EFSA's safety assessment; effective from April 23, 2024.

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