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Control Campaign on Health Claims of Food Supplements


From March to June 2024, the Danish Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) is conducting a control campaign on health claims of food supplements. This is being done so that consumers can trust the health claims made about food supplements. Companies may only make health-related claims for food supplements if the claims are approved in the EU, for example, "Niacin contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism" or "Iron contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body".

Often, health claims that are not approved or are unspecific are used. In addition, disease claims are also used, which are prohibited in all cases. A disease claim attributes to the food supplement properties regarding the prevention, treatment, and healing of a human disease or gives the impression of such properties, which misleads the consumer.

The Food Administration's news about the control campaign on health claims of food supplements can be found here:

March-June: Health claims on food supplements - Danish Food Administration (

If you or your company are responsible for the labelling of food supplements and need help interpreting the legislation or need an extra check of the claims on the label, you are very welcome to contact us at Herax Food Solutions. Here you can read more about the services we offer: Herax food solutions