Ingredients and Ingredient List
This course provides you with in-depth knowledge of how ingredients should be listed in labeling. You will learn the rules for different types of ingredients, such as additives, flavors, and enzymes. We also cover the exceptions, both regarding foods that do not need an ingredient list and when certain ingredients do not need to be listed on the packaging.
- Purpose and description of the legislation surrounding labeling
- Allergies and intolerances
- The ingredient list
- Quantity declarations
- Groupings
- Food additives
- Flavors
- Processing aids, carriers, and fortification
- Food enzymes
- May contain traces of…
- Free from
Each section ends with a quiz so you can confirm what you have learned.
After the training, you should find labeling really exciting and interesting, and feel that you have learned something new in the area.
Who should take the course?
This is an advanced course for those who are responsible for labeling pre-packaged food and need detailed knowledge about ingredients and ingredient lists.
Approximately 2 hours
590 SEK
Only in Swedish !
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