
Welcome to a training day that is largely devoted to the general labeling rules presented in EU Regulation No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers (the Information Regulation).

We will take a closer look at the legal requirements and provide many practical examples. Theory is interspersed with group exercises and discussions.

Purpose of the Training To give participants an overview of the requirements for labeling both prepackaged and unpackaged food.

Who should attend? The training is aimed at people in food companies and regulatory authorities who seek more knowledge about labeling and presentation of food.

During the course, we will take a closer look at:

Who is responsible for the labeling and what it entails

The rules surrounding product designations

The ingredient list: allergens, QUID rules, compound ingredients

How to know which food additives are allowed and in what amounts

What information the nutrition declaration should contain and how it should be presented

Special rules for certain product categories, such as caffeine and sweeteners

Origin labeling

Expiry date

Misleading food information

Price 5900 SEK excl. VAT

The price includes course documentation, certificate, and coffee/tea, sandwich and lunch.

Next course date: Thursday, September 26, 2024

Please submit your registration to by September 12.


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