FVST Konrollkampanj

The Danish Food Agency's control campaigns in 2025


In addition, in 2025 the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration will carry out a control campaign regarding labelling and marketing of food on websites for the final consumer.

The purposes of both campaigns are, among other things, to check and provide guidance on: The label's font size, readability, visibility and language. As well as checking the mandatory food information such as ingredient list, net content, shelf life etc. On websites, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration will also check that the consumer, when purchasing prepackaged food, is provided with the same mandatory labelling information as if it were a regular purchase in a physical store - except for the best-before date and freezing date, which are only a requirement upon delivery.

If you or your company is responsible for food labelling and you need help interpreting the legislation, preparing declarations or need an extra check of the claims on the label, you are welcome to contact us at Herax Food Solutions.

Control campaigns 2025.

September 2024 - march 2025: Labelling of prepacked foods.

Control campaign regarding labelling and marketing of food on websites for the final consumer.

You can read more about the services that Herax food solutions offer.